CreationKit Documentation

Enumeration Form​Item

public enum FormItem  

An item that can be placed in a Form.

This type contains input fields, such as textInput, and sheetInput for user input. It also contains items for static text such as headers, and static fields.

All input items can be configured with a title and subtitle that will be displayed above the input field. Set these to nil, if you don't want a title or subtitle to be displayed.

Placeholders are required. If you set the placeholder to an empty string, CreationKit will place it's own placeholder for you.

Each item also accepts a validator function that will be called to validate the field. If you return .invalid, CreationKit will update the state of the item to show it's error state.

Nested Type Aliases


public typealias Key = String

A unique key for each item placed into the Form.

Enumeration Cases


case textInput(
        configuration: FormConfiguration.TextInputConfiguration,
        event: AnyPublisher<InputFieldState, Never>?,
        validator: (String?) -> Validity

An input field that accepts text from a keyboard.


case maskedTextInput(
        configuration: FormConfiguration.TextInputConfiguration,
        event: AnyPublisher<InputFieldState, Never>?,
        mask: Mask,
        validator: (String?) -> Validity

An input field that accepts text from a keyboard. This will also mask the inputted text.


case dateInput(
        configuration: FormConfiguration.DateInputConfiguration,
        event: AnyPublisher<InputFieldState, Never>?,
        validator: ([Date]?) -> Validity

An input field that accepts dates from a date picker.

If you need a range of dates (start to end), enable allowsMultipleSelection & useRangeSelection in the datePickerConfiguration.


case textInputValidatingAsync(
        configuration: FormConfiguration.TextInputConfiguration,
        event: AnyPublisher<InputFieldState, Never>?,
        validator: (String?, @escaping (Validity) -> Void) -> Void

An input field that accepts text from a keyboard. This item will validate asynchronously. This is useful if you need to make an API call to validate the input. The validator closure will send you the value to validate, and a completion handler that you must call when you are finished validating the value.


case sheetInput(
        title: String?, subtitle: String?, sheetTitle: String? = nil,
        selectedItem: String?, placeholder: String, helper: String?,
        isOptionalField: Bool = false,
        event: AnyPublisher<InputFieldState, Never>?,
        selectableItems: [String], sheetItemTitles: [String]? = nil,
        key: Key,
        validator: (_ selectedItem: String?) -> Validity

An input field that accepts a value from an action sheet.


case sheetInputValidatingAsync(
        title: String?, subtitle: String?, sheetTitle: String? = nil,
        selectedItem: String?, placeholder: String, helper: String?,
        isOptionalField: Bool = false,
        selectableItems: [String], sheetItemTitles: [String]? = nil, event: AnyPublisher<InputFieldState, Never>?,
        key: Key,
        validator: (_ selectedItem: String?, @escaping (Validity) -> Void) -> Void

An input field that accepts a value from an action sheet. This item will validate asynchronously. This is useful if you need to make an API call to validate the input. The validator closure will send you the value to validate, and a completion handler that you must call when you are finished validating the value.


case staticInputField(
        title: String?, subtitle: String?,
        helper: String?,
        text: String

A field that is static and the user cannot change.


case heading(text: String) 

A header that uses the Heading 20px font


case subheading(text: String) 

A sub header that uses the SubHeading 18px font


case textBody(text: String) 

A body text that uses the FontManager.shared.body 16px font


case custom(view: UIView) 

An item that allows you to display a custom view in the form.