CreationKit Documentation

Structure Cell​State

public struct CellState  

Describes which month the cell belongs to

  • ThisMonth: Cell belongs to the current month

  • PreviousMonthWithinBoundary: Cell belongs to the previous month. Previous month is included in the date boundary you have set in your delegate - PreviousMonthOutsideBoundary: Cell belongs to the previous month. Previous month is not included in the date boundary you have set in your delegate - FollowingMonthWithinBoundary: Cell belongs to the following month. Following month is included in the date boundary you have set in your delegate - FollowingMonthOutsideBoundary: Cell belongs to the following month. Following month is not included in the date boundary you have set in your delegate You can use these cell states to configure how you want your date cells to look. Eg. you can have the colors belonging to the month be in color black, while the colors of previous months be in color gray.



public let isSelected: Bool

returns true if a cell is selected


public let text: String

returns the date as a string


public let dateBelongsTo: DateOwner

returns the a description of which month owns the date


public let date: Date

returns the date


public let day: DaysOfWeek

returns the day


public let row: () -> Int

returns the row in which the date cell appears visually


public let column: () -> Int

returns the column in which the date cell appears visually


public let dateSection: () -> (range: (start: Date, end: Date), month: Int, rowCount: Int) 

returns the section the date cell belongs to


public let selectedPosition: () -> SelectionRangePosition

returns the position of a selection in the event you wish to do range selection


public var cell: () -> JTACDayCell? 

returns the cell. Useful if you wish to display something at the cell's frame/position


public var selectionType: SelectionType? = nil

Shows if a cell's selection/deselection was done either programatically or by the user This variable is guranteed to be non-nil inside of a didSelect/didDeselect function