CreationKit Documentation

Structure Card​Header​Configuration

public struct CardHeaderConfiguration  

A struct to configure CardHeaders with.



public init(colorProvider: ColorProvider.Type, image: UIImage? = nil, text: String? = nil, moreTapped: (() -> Void)?)  

Creates a new configuration.


color​Provider Color​Provider.​Type

Styles the header with a color. Different parts of the header use a slightly different color, so providing a ColorProvider will allow the configuration to style the header correctly.

image UIImage?

An image to display on the left side of the header. Provide nil if you want to hide the image.

text String?

The text to display in the header. Provide nil if you want to hide the text.

more​Tapped (() -> Void)?

The closure that will be called when the more control is tapped. Provide nil if you want to hide the more control.